1. Identification data
Pursuant to Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, as well as other regulations governing e-commerce, you are hereby informed that www.next.cinfa.com is owned by Laboratorios Cinfa, S.A.
The registered address of Laboratorios CINFA S.A., hereinafter referred to as Cinfa, is located at Carretera Olaz Chipi 10, Polígono Areta, 31620 Huarte-Pamplona, Navarre, and its Tax ID No. (CIF) is A 31025398.
The company is registered in the Companies Register of Navarre: Volume 202, Sheet 35, Page 2,479, 1st entry, and the latest authorization from the Spanish Medicines Agency for it to perform its activities is No. 3.155-E of 3 September 2008. The ownership of www.cinfa.com and www.cinfa.es is registered in the Companies Register of Navarre.
If you need to contact Cinfa, you can do so by writing to its head office, by telephone at +34 948 335 005, by fax at +34 948 330 367, or by writing via email to [email protected].
2. Use of the website
The information contained in this website should be considered as general corporate information.
It is Cinfa’s intention to provide accurate and up-to-date information at all times, although Cinfa assumes no liability for damages resulting from or in connection with the use of this information.
Cinfa shall not be liable for computer damages or any other type of damages that may be incurred by the visitor when accessing the contents of this website or as a result of the use of the software, documents, information or services, in general, available on this website. Therefore, Cinfa does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents or files of the user of this website. Consequently, Cinfa shall not be liable for any damages that these elements may cause to the user or third parties.
On the website, the user will find links that may connect to other websites, in the form of different buttons, links, banners, etc., which are managed by third parties. Cinfa shall be held harmless from any responsibility for information found outside its website, given that it has neither the power nor the human or technical means to de aware of, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links are available at www.cinfa.com.
Therefore, Cinfa assumes no responsibility for the correct functioning of these links, for the results obtained via such links, for the veracity and legality of the content or information that can be accessed, as well as for any damages that the user may incur as a result of the information found on the corresponding website.
The establishment of any type of link by www.cinfa.com to another website does not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration or dependence between Cinfa and the party responsible for the external website.
3. Intellectual and industrial property rights
All the contents of this website (including, but not limited to: databases, images, drawings, graphics, texts, audio, video and software) are owned by Cinfa, or Cinfa has obtained the necessary intellectual property rights to include them in the website and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws, inter alia.
Therefore, its content may not be manipulated in any way (modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, etc.) by the user or third parties, either in whole or in part.
The trademarks, headings, distinctive signs and logos of Cinfa that appear on the website are the property of Cinfa and are duly registered.
Copyright © 2022 Laboratorios Cinfa, S.A.